Relax, Rejuvenate & Invigorate
Mind, Body & Spirit
A centuries-old European treatment meets our spa-like setting for an all-natural experience that helps visitors breathe easier and feel better.
Halo-therapy Benefits:
Respiratory Health
Anti-Inflammatory & Detoxing
Relaxation & Rejuvenation
Healthy Skin, Anti-Acne
Anti-Anxiety & Anti-Stress
(Please see the terms of use under the ‘About’ tab above for info regarding children in sessions)
Are you ready to dive into one of the most relaxing and therapeutic experiences available...
Not only does Synchronicities offer a flexible halo-therapy schedule, daily starting at 9:30 AM and going as late as 7:30 PM some nights, we also frequently host guided experiences in the Salt Cave.
Please be advised that the daily 9:30 public halo-therapy sessions are 'Kid friendly'. All other sessions are adults only.
Follow the buttons below to learn more about the guides that facilitate these experiences or to schedule your halo-therapy session.
Check This Out!
*We Also Offer Bundles & Certificates*
Follow the link below, give us a call at 801-888-7344 or inquire in person at the salt cave desk!!
(Sessions daily starting at 9:30 AM and as late as 7:30 PM some nights)
(Follow the link to view the ever-morphing schedule of experiences)
Wanting a Private Event?
We offer Private Group Experiences & Private Group Halo-therapy Sessions!!
Please contact the Salt Cave staff at (801) 888-7344
Monday-Sunday 9AM-9PM for pricing and details.
This Cave’s 10,000 lbs. of negatively charged ionized salt and other trace minerals present in the cave’s atmosphere, naturally draws toxins and impurities out of the physical & emotional bodies, reducing inflammation, and improving respiratory ailments like asthma by clearing the lungs.